Sept. 17-19, 2010, New York City, NY

Waves: From Start to Starting Over
Waves is the 5Rhythms map that first sets us free to explore our life-long dances of moving and being moved. We come to the Wave to be held, heartened, informed, lightened and inspired by and through our personal and collective creativity. We keep coming back to the Wave to realign body, heart and mind, to remember to move body and soul, and to reconnect from body to spirit, from flesh to breath, 5Rhythms at a time. Come start or start over; a weekend respite on the dance floor, to begin, ignite, and re-kindle our love affair with the Wave.

For more info email: rhythmsdancer (at) gmail (dot) com or call: 212.219.0019

Oct. 1-3, 2010, Philadelphia, PA

The 5Rhythms Heartbeat map teaches us to move more freely with our emotions. Instead of denying them, resisting them , or persisting with them we learn to move with them and through them into a fuller expression of them.  The 5Rhythms practice gives us a language to speak with our bodies; the Heartbeat practice leads us to move with the shape, breath and locomotion of our emotions. We all have dances that hold us back, tighten us up, tie us down, and keep us from moving with joy.  In Heartbeat we practice releasing those dances, moving forward, loosening up, shaking free, lightening up. Let’s join together on the dance floor and find our way home to the heart one step at a time.  NOTE:  Pre-requisite: 12 hours Waves classes and/or workshops with certified 5Rhythms teachers. Note:  Attendance at  June 6, 2010, Heartbeat: an afternoon visit to the heartland fulfills the pre-requisite.

For more info email: 5rhythmsphilly (at) gmail (dot) com or call: 215.842-5976

Nov. 19-21, 2010, Bethesda, MD


The 5Rhythms Heartbeat map teaches us to move more freely with our emotions. Instead of denying them, resisting them , or persisting with them we learn to move with them and through them into a fuller expression of them.  The 5Rhythms practice gives us a language to speak with our bodies; the Heartbeat practice leads us to move with the shape, breath and locomotion of our emotions. We all have dances that hold us back, tighten us up, tie us down, and keep us from moving with joy.  In Heartbeat we practice releasing those dances, moving forward, loosening up, shaking free, lightening up. Let’s join together on the dance floor and find our way home to the heart one step at a time.  NOTE: Pre-requisite: Pre-requisite: 12 hours Wavesclasses and/or workshops with certified 5Rhythms teachers.

For more info email: jim (at) aphroditephoto (dot) com or call: 202.627.9903

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